发表于 2021-10-18 19:54:58
发表于 2012-1-11 13:41:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励
插件作者: The Team AdA
文件格式: exe应用程序
安装类别: 一键式交互安装
备份策略: 自动备份
系统平台: /XP /2003 /Vista /2008 /7
MD5数值: 8199138AF6E3341841AF100A3DD99256
特别备注: -
ADA MOD V2 for Lock On Flaming Cliffs 2
We are very proud to announce the release of the AdA Mod v2.00, December 31, 2011 (history to hold - just! - The time announced).
The AdA Mod v2 is a mod for LockOn: Flaming Cliffs 2 which amends and expands the universe of the original game including the main combat aircraft used by the Air Force and Navy over the last twenty years .
List of flyable aircraft (and provided with specific flight models), introduced by the mod:
- Burst (versions C, B ??and M)
- Mirage 2000 (version B, C, D, and N-5E)
- Mirage F1 (versions C, C200, CR and CT)
- Mirage IV-P
- AlphaJet
- A Jaguar
- SEM (Modernized Super Etendard)
Other devices (IA) and arms & French vessels are included. See the read-me for more information.
Attention, we recommend installing this mod on a dedicated copy (version "clean") from FC2 because changes - many & deep - prevent network compatibility (multi-player) with non-moddées facilities.
Happy flying! |