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ADA MOD V2 for Lock On Flaming Cliffs 2
We are very proud to announce the release of the AdA Mod v2.00, December 31, 2011 (history to hold - just! - The time announced).
The AdA Mod v2 is a mod for LockOn: Flaming Cliffs 2 which amends and expands the universe of the original game including the main combat aircraft used by the Air Force and Navy over the last twenty years .
List of flyable aircraft (and provided with specific flight models), introduced by the mod: - Burst (versions C, B ??and M) - Mirage 2000 (version B, C, D, and N-5E) - Mirage F1 (versions C, C200, CR and CT) - Mirage IV-P - AlphaJet - A Jaguar - SEM (Modernized Super Etendard)
Other devices (IA) and arms & French vessels are included. See the read-me for more information.
Attention, we recommend installing this mod on a dedicated copy (version "clean") from FC2 because changes - many & deep - prevent network compatibility (multi-player) with non-moddées facilities.
Happy flying!