求助各位老鸟!我新装的正版lockonFC2启动时出现了starforce protection运行错误,序列号都输入不了,更加进不了游戏,应该是starforce与系统不兼容,无法运行。我看到另一个帖子说升级starforce即可,我到那个starforce网站看过,我的starforce版本是5.70.13.2,网站原文:
1. Version 5.5 and higher:
In version 5.5 and higher, the most common operations (such as driver installation/removal, driver update check and download) are performed using Graphical User Interface (GUI) of the executable file of the protection system. The file can have any name as specified by the publisher. It is usually PCNSL.EXE for latest protection versions and PROTECT.EXE for earlier versions. This file is in the root folder of protected application. If you cannot find the file, run the main application while holding down Shift or Ctrl.