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[公告说明] Preliminary Change Log

发表于 2011-5-28 09:11:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Added new surround sound system. Working in any Windows supported configurations, from 2 up to 8 channels: 2.1, quadraphonic, 5.0, 5.1, 7.1, etc.

User Interface
- Added the Briefing panel in the flight - [LALT-B]
- Added the Debriefing panel in the flight - [RSHIFT - ‘]
- Aerial refueling now tracked in log book.
- AIM-9 loadout listed twice corrected.
- Option to turn random systems failures on or off.
- Pre-set HDR options added.
- Cockpit panel texture resolution no longer affected by global texture resolution setting in Options.

- New E-2D “Hawkeye” AWACS.
- Corrected L-39 landing/taxi lights.
- Fixed CH-53E textures.
- UAZ LOD model fixed.
- Su-33 floating on carrier deck fixed.
- Low-level of detail (LOD) distance adjusted.

World Environment
- Detailed terrain texture distance extended.
- Building shadows corrected.

- New dynamically self-shadowing cockpit with option to turn off and on in Options screen.
- Improved cloud density.
- HDR overcast blur adjusted to be less noticeable.
- HUD preventing shadows in field of view fixed.
- Fixed glowing dust clouds behind ground units.
- Fixed blue flare.
- Fixed disappearing cloud shadows.
- KC-135 navigation light bloom adjusted.
- Improved distant terrain noise texture.
- Internal canopy glare added.

Artificial Intelligence
- Reduced delay in JTAC messages.
- JTAC Abort messaging adjusted.
- JTAC releasing player before all targets destroyed fixed.
- Predator taxi problems corrected.
- Wingmen Engagement logic improved when threats are in target area. Better self-preservation.
- Corrected remaining gun ammo report to JTAC.
- JTAC "use cannon" message fixed.
- After refueling other aircraft, tankers will no longer fly into oblivion.
- Wingmen now better engage targets around player SPI when give "Engage With..." command.
- Fixed crew chief screaming "Hey, what are you doing!" even though the power cable is unplugged.
- Fixed external power staying on indefinitely if you don't ask ground crew to unhook it.

- Corrected inaccurate AGM-154 JSOW.
- Editing weapon loadout from mission designers default prior to starting mission, no longer causes rearming GBU/WCMD weapons to fail.

Track Replay
- Improved track replay accuracy.

- Multiplayer performance degradation due to an anomaly large SADL message traffic was fixed.
- Muliplayer users spawning at same location fixed.
- Multiplayer timeout / server timeout fixed.
- AI planes stop taxing when more than 1 player is on server - fixed.
- Client aerial refueling corrected.
- Air-to-Air TACAN working correctly.
- Laser Spot Search and buddy lasing working.

Avionics / Cockpit
- Fixed – M274 rockets on LAU68 launcher appear as M257 in DSMS.
- Sidewinder jettison capability was removed.
- HUD will not revert to NAV when Master Arm is cycled in Air-to-Air mode.
- DTSAS status message on HUD and CDU was reworked. OFF MAP capability was restored – digital map is available in radius of 450 kilometers around operating area.
- Numerous HUD symbology fixes in HARS mode.
- Fixes to GCAS caution light – it will be lit now if EGI is not providing attitude information.
- Fixed GCAS training auto-scroll function.
- Fixed ILS audio control.
- Fixed AC Generator caution lights logic.
- More accurate signal light test indications.
- Momentary AC electrical power loss (causing CICU restart) was removed when engines generators turned on.
- Altimeter PNEU fixed. Additionally now ELEC/PNEU switch has 3 positions with spring loaded center position. It should be held in desired position (ELEC or PNEU) for 1 second to switch altimeter mode of operation.
- Cold start IFFCC elevation correctly set to DTS and not HOT on ramp start.
- Maverick power management by location fixed.
- ILS working with no power fixed.
- RWR symbol placement adjusted.
- ILS and Marker beacons fixed.
- Laser guided bombs guiding with no designation fixed.
- Fire detect bleed air leak test button light fixed.
- System Status page 1760 station indications corrected.
- EGI is no longer selected automatically on NMSP on ramp start. In all cases the EGI should be selected manually now.
- Fourth depress of UFC ALT ALERT button will exit altitude alert edit mode.
- Most of the UFC SEL rocker functions were made UFC mode independent.
- DTSAS PGCAS function was implemented – now GCAS will better predict collision in mountainous area with DTSAS turned ON and operating.
- GCAS and weapon events counters were implemented on CDU LASTE page.
- Fixed missing audio during RWR test.
- CDU DIVERT page was fixed – some airfields were missing.
- “Slave all to SPI” function for Maverick now works only if missile is RDY on DSMS page, and Maverick video is up on any of MFCDs.
- Airfield name on CDU FLDINFO page has correct maximum length now.
- TAD hook is cleared now if it was a SADL symbol and SADL was switched off.
- AI radar detection range by RWR was adjusted.
- Maverick stations selection logic in DSMS was fixed.
- TAD symbols hooking and display priorities were updated.
- HUD SPI symbology display conditions adjusted.
- Maverick impact point accuracy in Forced Correlate mode was improved.
- An option to turn on/off closest friendlies symbols was added on TGP CTRL page.
- T-handle lights now working correctly.
- Corrected cockpit tool tips.
- Reduced probabilities for cockpit random failures. Random failure for gun and CICU was added.
- Jerky Flight Path Angle indication on HUD during taxi was fixed. Minor logic adjustments were made to TVV symbol.
- JTAC SADL NetID now working correctly.
- HARS navigation is defaulting to active at ramp start. With the HARS mode active, you will not get any FPM/VVI in the HUD, and you will not be able to arm the EAC. If you switch from HARS mode to EGI mode after complete INS Alignment, then the FPM/VVI returns, and you can arm the EAC.
- SAI excessive precession was fixed.
- SAI cage function was fixed - it should cage much faster now.
- ILS frequency selector function was completely reworked according to video recorded in the real cockpit.
- Inverter OFF/TEST logic was reimplemented. In TEST it will revert Essential AC bus power to inverter. In OFF Essential AC bus will be not powered by any source (even if AC power from generators is available).
- INST INV caution lamp logic was implemented.
- APU GEN caution lamp logic was implemented.
- LEFT/RIGHT GEN caution lights logic was fixed.
- Inverter noise was added. It will be heard when inverter goes online.
- With ITT gauges inop, L/R ENG NOT caution lights will be always on.
- L/R MAIN PUMP, and L/R WING PUMP caution lights are connected to Essential DC Bus now (and thus will be lit in cold cockpit once DC power is provided by any source).

- Reported errors in campaigns have been fixed.

- Flight manual updated
- GUI manual updated
__________________ __________________
Matt Wagner
Producer, TFC/Eagle Dynamics
Asus P6T, i7 975 @ 3.33, 6 GB DDR3, GTX295, and Win7 64
HOTAS Warthog

My settings: Textures: High, Scenes: High, Civ Traffic: Low, Water: Low, Visib Range: Medium, Heat Blur: On, Shadows: High, Resolution: 2560x1600, Res. of Cockpit Displays: 256, MSAA: 4x, Clutter: 200 m. HDR and TSAA On.
发表于 2011-5-28 10:05:44 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-5-28 10:20:35 | 显示全部楼层


- 增加了在飞行简报面板 - [LALT - B的]
- 增加了在飞行解说面板 - [过大的移位 - ']
- 空中加油现在在跟踪日志。
- 的AIM - 9装车列出了两次修正。
- 选择开启或关闭随机系统的故障。
- 预先设定人类发展报告选项添加。
- 驾驶舱面板纹理分辨率不再受全球纹理选项设置的决议。

- 新架E - 2D“鹰眼”空中预警机。
- 纠正左旋39登陆/出租车灯。
- 固定的CH - 53E的纹理。
- UAZ LOD模型固定。
- 苏-33载体固定的甲板上浮动。
- 低层次细节(LOD值)的距离调整。

- 详细的地形纹理距离延长。
- 建筑物阴影纠正。

- 新的动态自驾驶舱阴影与选项,并在选项中关闭屏幕。
- 改进云密度。
- 人类发展报告阴模糊调整为不太明显。
- 平视显示器防止固定视场的阴影。
- 修正后的地面部队炽热尘埃云。
- 固定的蓝色光晕。
- 固定消失的云影。
- 架KC - 135的航行灯绽放调整。
- 改进遥远的地形噪声纹理。
- 内部篷眩光补充。

- 减少中的JTAC消息延迟。
- 通过JTAC中止通讯调整。
- 通过JTAC球员之前释放所有被摧毁固定目标。
- 捕食出租车的问题得到纠正。
- 僚机参与逻辑改善时威胁目标区域。更好地自我保护。
- 修正其余枪弹药通过JTAC报告。
- 通过JTAC“用大炮”消息固定。
- 其他飞机加油后,油轮将不再飞入遗忘。
- 僚机现在更好地吸引周围的球员SPI的目标时给“搞了...”命令。
- 修正了队长大叫:“嘿,你这是干什么!”即使电源线拔掉。
- 固定的外部电源无限期地,如果你不问地勤人员来解开它逗留。

- 纠正不准确的AGM - 154联合防区外武器。
- 编辑的任务设计者武器装车前违约,要启动的使命,不再导致重新武装GBU / WCMD武器失败。

- 改进的轨道重播的准确性。

- 多人性能下降原因是异常大SADL消息流量是固定的。
- Muliplayer用户在同一固定位置产卵。
- 多人超时/服务器超时固定。
- 人工智能飞机停止征税时超过1个玩家正在使用服务器 - 固定。
- 客户端空中加油纠正。
- 空气到空气塔康正常工作。
- 激光光斑搜索和好友激射工作。

- 修正 - 对LAU68火箭发射M274 M257出现在的DSM。
- 响尾蛇抛弃能力被删除。
- 平视显示器将不能恢复到资产净值时,主臂在空气到空气循环模式。
- 在HUD和基民盟DTSAS状态消息是返工。关地图功能恢复 - 电子地图可在作业区周围450公里半径。
- 大量的HUD符号在哈斯模式修复。
- 修正GCAS警示灯 - 它会被点亮,如果现在不提供能量的推论姿态信息。
- 固定GCAS培训的自动滚动功能。
- 修正了仪表着陆系统音频控制。
- 固定式交流发电机警示灯的逻辑。
- 更精确的信号光试验的迹象。
- 瞬时交流电源损耗(导致CICU重新启动)时被删除引擎发电机打开。
- 高度计PNEU固定。另外现在电/ PNEU开关有3个带弹簧加载中心的地位的立场。它应该在理想的位置举行(电或PNEU)1秒钟切换高度表的运作模式。
- 冷启动IFFCC海拔正确设置为DTS和坡道启动不热。
- 小牛的固定位置的电源管理。
- 仪表着陆系统,没有固定电源工作。
- 雷达告警符号的位置调整。
- 仪表着陆系统和标记信标固定。
- 没有固定的激光制导炸弹指定指导。
- 消防检测引气泄漏测试按钮轻型固定翼。
- 1760年站系统状态页迹象纠正。
- 能量的推论不再挑选NMSP自动坡道启动。在所有情况下,能量的推论现在应该是手动选择。
- 第四压低的UFC的ALT键报警按钮将退出编辑模式高度警惕。
- sel的摇杆的UFC的大多数功能进行了UFC的模式无关。
- DTSAS PGCAS功能实现 - 现在GCAS将更好地预测碰撞与DTSAS山区接通和经营。
- GCAS和武器的活动柜台实施基民盟LASTE页。
- 修正了丢失的音频在雷达告警测试。
- 基民盟改行页面固定 - 一些机场人失踪。
- “从所有的SPI”功能现在的小牛只有当导弹上的DSM页RDY,和Maverick视频上的MFCDs任何。
- 机场的基民盟FLDINFO页面的名字现在已经正确的最大长度。
- 泰特钩被清除现在如果这是一个SADL象征,SADL已关机。
- 人工智能的雷达告警雷达探测范围进行了调整。
- 小牛站的DSM选择逻辑是固定的。
- 泰特符号的优先事项挂钩,并显示已更新。
- 平视显示器显示的SPI符号条件进行调整。
- 小牛关联模式的影响,强制点精度提高。
- 一个选择打开/关闭最近的友谊赛中加入符号三峡工程按Ctrl页。
- T型手柄灯现在工作正常。
- 修正驾驶舱的工具提示。
- 减少了驾驶舱随机故障的概率。随机枪,CICU失败增加了。
- 生涩飞行路径角上的HUD显示在出租车是固定的。未成年人的逻辑调整作了TVV的象征。
- 通过JTAC SADL的NetID现在正常工作。
- 哈斯导航默认为活跃在坡道启动。随着哈斯模式活跃,你不会得到任何程序手册中的平视显示器/ VVI起搏,你将无法武装选管会。如果您切换哈斯模式能量的推论模式对准惯导系统完成后,则程序手册/ VVI起搏的回报,你可以选管会手臂。
- 西过度岁差是固定的。
- 西笼功能是固定的 - 它应该笼得更快了。
- 仪表着陆系统频率选择功能完全重新按照实际驾驶舱录制的视频。
- 逆变器关闭/测试逻辑是重新实现。在测试,将恢复基本的空调巴士电源逆变器。在关基本空调巴士将不以任何动力源(即使从发电机交流电源可用)。
- 中国科学院发票警示灯逻辑是落实。
- APU的遗传学警示灯逻辑是落实。
- 左/右遗传学警示灯的逻辑是固定的。
- 逆变器的噪音增加了。这将是上线时听到逆变器。
- 以ITT公司压力表inop,左/右英不警示灯将一直开启。
- 左/右主泵,和L / R荣泵警示灯连接到现在的基本直流母线(因此将在寒冷的驾驶舱一旦点燃直流电源是由任何来源提供)。

- 在广告系列报告的错误已得到修复。

- 飞行手册更新
- 图形用户界面手动更新
__________________ __________________
华硕P6T,睿i7 975@3.33,6 GB的DDR3内存,GTX295绘图,和Win7 64


 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-28 10:38:30 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-5-28 11:51:27 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-28 13:29:37 | 显示全部楼层
回复 5# 361006334

发表于 2011-5-28 14:00:45 | 显示全部楼层
回复 6# feibao

发表于 2011-5-28 21:27:51 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-5-29 15:52:32 | 显示全部楼层
这个补丁是干什么的- -!

发表于 2012-1-4 07:21:30 | 显示全部楼层
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