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[公告说明] BMS4.33.U3更新信息(源自BMS论坛)

发表于 2017-1-4 00:23:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Generic Information & Known issues:
- The build number string in the FalconUI will read "4.33.3 (x86/x64) Build 16068" after the update
-更新后在FALCON BMS UI界面 可以看到"4.33.3 (x86/x64) Build  16068"
- The shortcuts in the start menu andon your desktop will NOT be renamed to U3, they will still read "FalconBMS 4.33 U1" after the update, feel free to rename them manually
-在开始菜单和在您的桌面上快捷方式不会被重命名为 U3,他们仍将显示"Falcon BMS 4.33 U1";更新后,可以随时手动重命名他们
- (no changes)(无变化)
- (no changes)(无变化)
- "Falcon BMS.cfg" configfile:
* Added new option g_nTacPeriodicSaveMinutes (default 0/off), see codelog for details
* 添加新选项 g_nTacPeriodicSaveMinutes ( 0/off默认关闭),参阅代码日志的详细信息
* Added new option g_bInitBUPfromDTC (default 0/off), see code log fordetails
  * 添加新选项g_bInitBUPfromDTC (0/off默认关闭),参阅代码日志的详细信息
* Added new option g_nJpegCompression(default 90), see code log for details
* 添加新选项 g_nJpegCompression (默认 90),参阅代码日志的详细信息
* Added new (experimental!) optiong_bStrictFogOfWar (default 0/off), see code log for details
* 添加新(体验性质!)选项 g_bStrictFogOfWar (0/off默认关闭),参阅代码日志的详细信息
* Removed obsolete option g_bSkipAggregationBWCheck
* 删除过时的选项 g_bSkipAggregationBWCheck
- IVC Client: updated to version 1.3.6,see code log for details
-IVC客户端︰更新到版本 1.3.6,参阅代码日志的详细信息
- "IVC Client.ini" configfile:
* Added "selfblock" option (default 0/off), see code log fordetails
* Removed obsolete "noblock" option, see code log for details
* 添加"selfblock"选项 (0/off默认关闭),参阅代码日志的详细信息
* 删除过时的"noblock"选项,参阅代码日志的详细信息
- UI changes:
* For the "time compression" drop down box in the missionscreen, added a new entry "HALT", see code log for details
* For the flight planning/waypoint UI windows, sorted the contents ofthe drop-down boxes "Action", "Enroute Action","Formation", "Role" and "Airbase" alphabetically
* Resorted the "Skill" drop-down box to have the highest skillat the top, lowest at the bottom
* Added flight callsign and role label to TE mission schedule (same asin Campaigns)
-UI 更改︰
* 为飞行规划/航点 UI 窗口,用下拉框按顺序排序了"Action行动"、"Enroute Action按航路行动"、"Formation编队规则"、"Role角色"和"Airbase空军基地"
* 采用"Skill技能"下拉框排序,最高的技能在顶部,底部最低
* 增加飞行呼号和角色标签到 TE 任务书 (与以前版本战役相同)
- Updated devicedefaults.txt withThrustmaster Combined (HOTAS Warthog Throttle + Stick)
-为猪杆(HOTAS Warthog油门 + 摇杆)专门更新 devicedefaults.txt
- Fixed S-60 battalion not firing
- Fixed gunLocation, gunYaw andgunPitch variables for B-52D/G, Tu-16, Tu-22 and Tu-95
- Fixed NVG issue with Mirage 2000cockpits and nVidia drivers
-修复 S-60 营不开火
-修复B-52D/G,B-52D/G, Tu-16, Tu-22 和 Tu-95  机炮的锁定、和X/Y轴变量
-修复幻影 2000驾驶舱和 nVidia 驱动程序引起的 NVG 问题
- UI changes:
* The "Set by HQ" boxes in the various info windows will stayhidden now unless it's an own team unit (or editing the TE)
* The "Join" button in the squadron info window will stayhidden now unless it's an own team unit (or editing the TE)
* In the map context menu for air units, "Join" will only workfor own team units
* Adjusted the map view options to have "Battalions" selectedby default (was "Divisions" before, but the map showed"Battalions" anyway)
* Fixed OOB "Info" & "Find" buttons fordivisions
* When backing out of the wait screen again after having committed toRAMP/TAXI/RUNWAY, the clock will be set to STOP automatically now
* For the "time compression" drop down box in the missionscreen, added a new entry "HALT". This one can only be set by theserver. It acts as a "force stop" entry, i.e. "HALT" willset the time to stop like the normal "Stop" entry, but at the sametime forces the stop setting to all clients as well, effectively overriding anyclient running clock. Clients which already are in 3D will be paused as well.Once the server chooses another setting (Stop, x1, x2, ...) the normal timingfunctionality is resumed, i.e. clients in the UI will take precedence over anyserver "Stop" setting again, clients in 3D will resume (set to x1).
*""Setby HQ"框中的各种信息窗口现在将保持隐藏,除非它是同一批次单位 (或由TE编辑 )
* 中队信息窗口中的"Join加入"按钮现在将保持隐藏,除非它是同一批次单位(或由TE编辑 )
* 在空中单位的地图索引菜单,"Join加入"按钮将只工作于同一批次单位
* 在调整地图视图选项,默认情况下选择"Battalions阵营"中, (以前为"Divisions分界线",但地图任何情况下都显示"Battalions阵营")
* 修复 OOB 为阵营配置的"Info信息"与"Find查找"按钮
* 现在在确认RAMP/TAXI/RUNWAY时返回等待屏幕,时钟将被强制设置为自动停止
任务屏幕的"timecompression时间压缩"下拉框中,添加一个新条目"HALT停止"。这只可以由服务器设置。它充当一个"强制STOP"选项,即"HALT停止"将设置时间像以前正常的"STOP停止"选项;比如,但在同一时间,“HALT停止”将被设置到所有客户端,以及有效地重写任何客户端已运行时钟。已经处于 3D 界面的客户将被暂停。一旦服务器选择另一个设置(STOP,x1,x2,...),将 恢复类似之前的正常计时功能,即2D UI界面中的用户将再一次优先于服务器的"STOP停止"设置,在 3D 中的客户端将同时取消暂停恢复 (设置为 x1时)。
- IVC Client version 1.3.6:
* Removed obsolete "noblock" config option
* Fixed regular "blocking sound" playback, i.e. clients whoPTT themselves will not hear the blocking sound anymore by default (as it is inreal life)
* Added config option "selfblock" (default 0/off), which willallow clients who PTT while others are already talking (and hence cause a"block" for everyone) to actually hear the blocking tone themselves,i.e. make themselves aware that THEY are causing a blocking (this is not likein real life, but can be helpful for radio discipline in bigger groups)
* The "normal" blocking tone (i.e. block caused by others)does now honor all the usual radio noise/sound filtering options
* The "selfblock" blocking tone (i.e. block caused byourselves) will not be filtered, as it is played "locally" (thishelps distinguishing between "local" and "remote" blocks)
* Fixed UHF/VHF volume not being adjusted anymore when changingCOM1/2/Intercom/AIvsIVCBalance from within BMS
- IVC客户端 1.3.6 版本︰
* 删除过时的"noblock无阻塞"配置选项
* 修复有规律的"blocking sound阻塞音"回放,即默认情况下,按下 PTT(翻译注释:无线电用语,PUSH TO TALK的缩写,按下通话键的意思)的用户自己将无法听到阻塞音(跟现实生活中无线电一样)
* 添加配置选项"selfblock自我阻塞"(0/off默认关闭),开启的话,将允许用户端在其他人已经开始通话的同时按下PTT 发射按钮而(这将导致对每个人都进行"阻塞"),该用户 本身也能听到阻塞音,即让自己意识到,他们正在造成阻塞(这不像现实生活中的无线电,但可以帮助提升在更大的团队中无线电通话纪律)
*"正常"阻塞音 (即他人造成的阻塞) ,现在遵循所有通常的无线电"信噪比noise/sound"过滤设置
*"Selfblock自我阻塞" (即由我们自己引起的阻塞) 不会被过滤,视作"locally本地"角色(这有助于区分"本地"和"远程"阻塞)
* 修复 BMS范围内(译注:可能是指高级设置里面)调整“ COM1/2/Intercom/AI和IVC平衡”时UHF/VHF 音量不能跟随调整
- Added new config optiong_nTacPeriodicSaveMinutes (default 0/off). If set, it specifies the time inminutes between automatic saves for tactical engagements. Works similar to theexisting campaign autosave, however the save name prefix is fixed to theoriginal TE title.
-添加新配置选项 g_nTacPeriodicSaveMinutes (0/off默认关闭)。如果设置开启,它指定的时间在几分钟间隔内内为TE进行自动保存。该动作类似于现有的战役自动保存,但保存名称前缀被关联到原始的 TE 标题
- Added new config optiong_bInitBUPfromDTC (default 0/off). If set to 1/true, the Backup UHF presetswill be initialized to the same values as set in the UFC DTC instead of theusual hardcoded internal values, for convenience.
-添加新配置选项 g_bInitBUPfromDTC (0/off默认关闭)。如果设置为开启“ 1/true”,备份HUF预设值将同时初始化到UFC DTC,替代通常的硬编码内部值(译注:也许指的SET TOWER),以提供方便
- Added a new config optiong_nJpegCompression (0-100, default 90) which can be used to adjust the JPGscreenshot quality/compression, if desired.
-添加新配置选项 g_nJpegCompression (0-100,默认 90),可以用来调整 JPG 截图质量/压缩度,以备需要。
- Added new (experimental!) configoption g_bStrictFogOfWar (default 0/off), controlled by the server in MP, ifset:
* Unit "Orders" and "ETA" information will only beavailable for own team/allied/friendly units, otherwise they are"Unknown"
* In the OOB list, the "Find" and "Info" buttonswill only be active for own team/allied/friendly or properly identified units(or otherwise "known" units, e.g objectives are always known andlocated, info about battalions is always available, but find only if identifiedetc.)
* The "Find" button in the squadron info window will only beactive for own team/allied/friendly or properly identified units
* Map icons for moving battalion objects which have NOT been identifiedand are not own/allied/friendly will be hidden
* In the map context menu for air units, "Recon" and"Status" will only work for own/allied/friendly or identified units
* NOTE: These features are considered "experimental" becausethey surely will expose flaws or false values in our current"spotted/identified" functionality both in the code and the database,so if you want to use them in MP, it is advisable to fully test the missionsupfront to avoid player frustration (and feedback about glitches is welcome!)
-添加新(实验性质!) 配置选项 g_bStrictFogOfWar (0/off默认关闭),由服务器在多人任务中控制,参考以下设置(如果开启的话)︰
* 单位 "Orders" and "ETA"信息只会用于自己的团队,联合,友好单位,否则它们只是个"未知"
* 在 OOB 列表中, "Find" and"Info""查找"和"信息"按钮只会积极为自己的团队/联合/友好或经识别的单位 (或称为"已知单位,例如该目标总能“知道并定位”,其阵营信息始终是可用的但发现只有识别标识等.)
* squadron信息窗口中的"查找FIND"按钮只会积极为自己的团队/联合/友好或经识别的单位 激活
* 地图图标里面移动中的阵营目标如果尚未被识别,或不是自己团队/联合/友好单位将被隐藏
* 在空中单位的地图索引菜单,"Recon" and "Status""侦察"和"状态"将仅为为自己团队/联合/友好单位工作
* 注︰在我们当前的"spotted/identified""发现/识别"功能的代码和数据库中这些特点被认为是"实验性"的,因为他们肯定会暴露缺陷或错误的价值观,,所以如果你想要在多人任务中使用它们,不宜进行完全的测试,以避免队员沮丧 (欢迎反馈有关故障 !)
- Screenshots will now be encoded andsaved asynchronously. This should get rid of the micropauses/stutters thathappened when taking screenshots (which have been abused to "evade"missiles in MP). As a side-effect, the PNG size has been reduced, and the JPGquality has been increased. Note: currently only works for 32bit colorsettings, 16bit will fail with an on-screen error message but BMS will continueto run.
-截图现在将被编码并以异步方式保存;这应该可以摆脱截图时发生微停顿和“结巴”现象“micropauses/stutters” (这已被滥用在联网时"躲避"导弹上) 。作为一个边际作用, PNG 大小会减小, JPG 质量有提高。注意︰ 目前仅为 32 位颜色设置工作,16 位将失败并在屏幕上显示错误信息,但 BMS 将继续运行。
- When firing at a radar lockedfriendly A/C with the gun, the target will now only respond with a "areyou insane?" or similar call when you actually shoot in the correctdirection and are close enough to be noticed (this fixes the "just shoot asingle bullet while having a target locked to identify whether it's friendly ornot" exploit)
-当开火时雷达锁定友好A/C,目标现在将只响应"are youinsane?""你疯了吗?";或当你指向正确方向和接近到足以引起注意时,进行类似呼叫。(这可以修复"只要能锁定并识别,无论是否已确定为友好单位,只管对目标:“射一发再说"的漏洞)
- Fixed waypoints sometimes jumping toprevious numbers when advancing them
- Fixed AI wingman sometimes runningaway for landing after getting an "Attack my target" command from theplayer
-修复 AI 僚机有时玩家发出"Attack mytarget""攻击我的目标"命令后返回去着陆
- Fixed ACM Modes were not properlyreset if the locked target was destroyed
修复 如果锁定的目标被摧毁时,ACM 模式未正确重置
- Fixed antenna elev tick mark goingout the scope at extreme values
- Fixed 1-bar scan elevation toproperly point where the antenna knob tells it to
修复 “1-bar: 1 线扫描标高度正确指向,符合天线旋钮的指定
- Fixes for displays when radar is inAA mode and in EXP:
* Ghost cursor, scan pattern are now displayed correctly in the HSD
* AA cursor bullseye is now correct
* Bullseye & Steerpoint symbol are now in the correct position onthe FCR
-修复时雷达在 AA 模式和EXP的显示︰
* Ghost cursor”鬼影游标“,扫描形成现在能正确的显示在 HSD上
* AA 模式游标的bullseye现在已准确
* bullseye& 航点符号现在处于 FCR正确的位置上
- ACM-BORE adjustments:
* TMS Up will now slave the FCR LOS to the HMCS instantly, and not after0.5s
* Holding TMS Up will now inhibit target acquisition whether HMCS is onor not
*  HMC快速启动时,TMS起现在将立刻隶属于 FCR LOS,而不是以前需要超过 0.5秒
*按住TMS UP将抑制目标获取,无论  是否在HMCS模式
- Fixed HSD Scan volume when radar isin AG mapping mode
-修复  雷达在AG 绘图模式时HSD的扫描量
- Fixed FCR AG scanning pattern whenazimuth scan is less than 6 and scan is off center
-修复水平扫描小于6和偏离中心时的FCR AG 扫描模式
- Fixed ACM Slew HUD indications todisplay the altitude bracket correctly in the HUD & FCR
-修复 ACM 转向 HUD 指示时在 HUD& FCR 中正确显示高度括弧
- Fixed ACM 20*30, 10*60, and Slew tolock a target directly the first time the beam hit the target
-修正 ACM 20 * 30、 10 * 60 和回转,正确锁定目标,第一时间集中波束于目标
- Fixed space-stabilized modes (ie:CRM, ACM-Slew) didn't get a proper target elevation when target pitch (yes,pitch) was too high or too low
-修复间隙-安定模式 (比如︰ CRM,ACM-Slew) 因目标坡度(是的,PITCH坡度) 太高或太低而导致没有得到正确的目标高度
- Fixed CMS-Left & Slap Switchdispensing as usual when in BYP
-修复CMS-Left 和Slap Switch”击打按钮“像往常在BYP一样出现分配问题(译注:不清楚BYP含义,也许是指CMS-Left和CMS按钮朝下按-猪杆有-之间的冲突)
- Removed unnecessary UFC power check& UFC fault check for dispensing with CMS-Up
-删除分配给CMS-Up的不必要的 UFC 电源检查和 CMS UFC 故障检查

发表于 2017-1-7 21:18:01 | 显示全部楼层
如额和安装de ?
发表于 2017-1-9 11:23:09 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2017-2-13 00:46:05 | 显示全部楼层
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