Nimitz Class Aircraft Carriers for FSX
-FSX Acceleration or SP2
-324Mb of Hard disk free space.
-New "Underway Replenishment" configurations for Nimitz and Eisenhower. Ideal for VERTREP operations with helos.
-New model of fleet oiler USNS Patuxent T-AO 201. Features landablehelipad and night lightning. It works independently as an AI ship thatcan sail on her own (an additional configuration for AIcarriers is alsoprovided).
-Added steam effects on all catapults (look better with the ship in movement)
-Added sound for catapult launch and jet blast deflectors
-Fixed the issue that caused the player's plane to fall down on the water when entering the hangar deck from #3 elevator.
-Fixed night lightning issues for some planes in "port visit" configurations
-Corrected some inaccuracies in the aft radar tower and in the island.
-Added animated catapult "shooter"
-Additional catapult crew for cats #3 and #4.v
-New texture for catapult shuttles.