Necroscope's UltraHighRes airfields Textures Mod Final.
This mod should work in LockOn as well.
Added improvements:
- Season-depended dirt in joits.
- Added season-depended weathering.
- Ultra High Resolution textures - x4 for runway, x8 for taxi-ways and parkings.
- Real sized (PAG-12 2x6 meters) stabs with transportation hollows.
- Realistic tar on joints.
- Notches on surface of concrete.
- All markings are real as it possible (placing, dimensions ) in current engine.
- Accurate concrete and dirt colors.
- No FPS hit notified
- Some moire notified in case of notches.
Please feel free to send any feedback to tqs@mail.ru or post it here
Have a good flight!
How to Install:
1. (!!!) Backup x:\Ka-50\Bazar\Terrain\Onlay\Onlay_VPP.sup
2. Unpack files to x:\Ka-50 with overwrite.
3. Enjoy :) |