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[原创] A10C 降落教程粗略翻译

发表于 2012-2-24 23:45:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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废话不说,上教程(本想用图片形式的,无奈本来很清楚的图片一上传分辨率就变得特差,一点看不清,不知为何!{:soso_e132:}只好打文字上来),DOCX格式的文件在附件中(点此下载) DCS A-10C降落教程英文整理.docx (624.44 KB, 下载次数: 115)


Landing is one ofthe more challenging aspects of any flight. A good landing will require carefulcontrol of the aircraft and use of various instruments in the cockpit for aprecise approach under the direction of Air TrafficController(ATC).


A landingconsists of navigating to the destination airfield using [url=]TACAN[/url][WXY1] or GPS navigation, configuring the radio to theairfield’s ATC frequency, configuring the ILS receiver to the airfield’s ILSfrequency, navigating to the Final Approach Fix as direct by ATC, and finallyperforming the final approach to fly the aircraft precisely down the [url=]glidepath[/url][WXY2] toward the touchdown point of the runway.


Because wecovered TACAN navigation previously, we’ll use GPS component of the EGI tonavigate to our destination in this lesson. The CDU DIVERT page lists the four closestairbases programmed in the CDU as selectable waypoints. To access this page,let’s first open the CDU page on the right[url=] MFCD[/url][WXY3]  with OSB-13.

Now open the CDUNAV page by pressing ‘FUNC’ followed by the ‘2’ (NAV) key on the UFC.

Press OSB-10 toopen the DIVERT page.

The DIVERT pagedisplays the closest four airbases with their corresponding [url=]bearing[/url][WXY4] , range and Time-To-Go numbers.

Press OSB-16 tomake Batumi airbase your [url=]steerpoint[/url][WXY5] .

这几段说的是怎么样在右侧的多功能彩色显示屏调出这侧要降落的机场Batumi的基本信息。大致步骤:1、在右MFCD调出TAD面板;2、在平显(HUD)下方控制面板按‘FUNC’按钮,随后再按‘2’ (NAV)3、在右MFCD中选择Batumi

You can now use the navigation data block in the bottomright corner of [url=]HUD[/url][WXY6] to monitorthe range and [url=]TTG[/url][WXY7] to “homeplate”.

As indicated inthe CDU FLD INFO (field info) page, the ATC radio frequency for Batumi is131.000MHz. We now need to set our VHF/AM radio to this frequency.

Good. We can nowcontact Batumi ATC for initial approach instructions. However, before we dothis, let’s also setup the ILS [url=]panel[/url][WXY8] for the approach.

ILS is aground-based precision approach system that guides approaching aircraft to therunway using [url=]vertical[/url][WXY9] ([url=]glideslope[/url][WXY10] ) and [url=]horizontal[/url][WXY11] ([url=]localizer[/url][WXY12] ) radio signals.

ILS [url=]beacons[/url][WXY13] operate at specific frequencies that need to betuned to by the approaching aircraft. Batumi ILS operates on 110.30 MHz.

On the ILS panel,toll the mouse wheel over the left frequency wheel to first set the frequencyto ‘110’.

Now roll themouse wheel over the right frequency wheel to set the frequency decimal to ‘.30’.

Power up the ILSreceiver by right-clicking over the left frequency wheel.

Let’s now checkin with Batumi approach and call our flight inbound.

Press the HOTAS MicSwitch FORWARD command or L.ALT and Num+ keys on the keyboard to open theVHF/AM radio menu.

Now press F5 toselect the ATC radio page, then Batumi approach, and finally F1 to call inbound.

Take note of theInbound instructions you will receive.

Press the Spacebar key to proceed once you’ve received the [url=]vector[/url][WXY14] to the Final Approach Fix from Batumi ATC.

ATC(Batumi):Batumi,Hawg 1-1, fly heading 229 for 35, QFE 29, runway 13, to pattern attitude.

Press the ESC keyon the keyboard to exit the radio menu. We’ll return to it in a few minutes.


We can now navigate to the Final [url=]Approach[/url][U15] [url=]Fix[/url][U16] , which willbe [url=]approximately10nm off the runway[/url][WXY17] .

[url=]Pattern altitudes[/url][WXY18] vary depending on the airbase and local conditions,but are generally between 2000-3000ft.  AGL(Above Ground Level).

Whenever you’reready, press the Space bar key and I’ll disengage the autopilot so you can makethe turn to the heading provided by ATC.

Autopilot is OFF.You have control. Turn to the heading provided by ATC. Maintain altitude.

We also need toset the HSI course to the runway heading of 130degrees in order to get correct CDI indicationfor final approach. To do this, roll the mouse wheel over the HIS COURSE SETknob to set the HSI course needle to 130. Alternatively, you can press and holdthe left mouse buttom while dragging the mouse left or right to turn the knob. Watchthe HSI Braring window for the exact bearing.

Let’s also scalethe TAD map out a bit so you can see the airbasesteerpoint on the map as we approach. Make the TAD SOI by pressing OSB-15 onthe left MFCD, then press HOTAS DMS DOWN or theEND key on the keyboard twice.

Set the HUD as SOI by pressing the HOTAS Coolie Hat upcommand or the ‘U’ key on the keyboard.

Once establishedon the glidepath, use the Angle of Attack Indexer to maintain an onspeedapproach, around 120kts or slightly less, because we are coming in light today.

On the AOAIndexer, the “”(up arrow) light indicates speed is too fast. The “”(down arrow)light indicates speed is too low. The “O”(“donut”) light indicates properspeed. If both the donut and an arrow lights are on, the speed is only slightlyoff from onspeed.

Press Space barkey to proceed when ready.

In addition toILS, Batumi airbase is equipped with a PrecisionApproach Path Indicator (PAIP) light system. PAIP is designed to assistthe pilot in maintaining the glideslope during final approach. It consists offour lights lined up [url=]horizontally[/url][WXY19] near the runway [url=]threshold[/url][WXY20] . The lights indicate either red or white. Your goalis to see two red and two white lights going from left to right. More red meansyou are below glideslope. More white means you are above glideslope.

We’ll keep theaircraft on autopilot until we get a little closer to the approach fix.

If you wish, youcan press the L.CTRL and Z keys to accelerate time. Press L.SHIFT and Z toreturn normal time.

You are nowapproaching the Final Approach Fix.

Select ILS modeon the NMSP.


The redGlideslope Warning Flag on the ADI indicates that we are not currentlyreceiving an ILS signal. The flag will be [url=]stowed[/url][WXY21] and the Glideslope [url=]Deviation[/url][WXY22] Indicator needle will appear when we are closer tothe runway.

Whenever you’reready, press the Space bar key and I will disengage the autopilot so you can [url=]descend[/url][WXY23] to pattern altitude.

Autopilot is OFF.

You should by nowsee the Batumi runway at about 10 o’clock. When the runway is closer to your 9o’clock, you’ll be nearing the approach fix.

Check that the Anti-Skidswitch is set ON.

Descend to2500ft. Maintain between 230 and 250kts.

The CDI is movingtoward the course arrow in the HIS. Turn left toward the runway. Reduce powerto begin [url=]gradually[/url][WXY24] dropping your airspeed toward 200kts and below.

If you [url=]overshoot[/url][WXY25] the runway heading, perform a course correction inthe opposite direction to [url=]realign[/url][WXY26] the CDI with the course arrow.

The GlideslopeDeviation Indicator indicates that you are above the glidepath. Lower youraltitude to center the needle.


ATC(Batumi):clearedfor visual, contact tower.

ATC(Batumi):Batumi,Hawg 1-1, check landing gear,, runway 13, wind 240 at 3 meters per second.

If not alreadydone, set the aircraft to landing configuration. Set the flaps to the DN(down)position by press F key twice and lower the landing gearing by press L.SHIFTand the G key on the keyboard.

Fly the aircraftto keep the Pitch and Bank Steering bars centered on the ADI.

Monitor yourairspeed to maintain approximately 120kts.

Batumi approachis now transferring us to Batumi terminal control for landing clearance. Torequest landing, Press the HOTAS Mic Switch FORWARD command or L.ALT and Num+keys on the keyboard to open the VHF/AM radio menu. Then press F1 to requestpermission to land.

Once cleared,press the ESC key to exit the radio menu.

这几段说的是最终临近降落时的注意事项,包括:检查起落架G,打开升起副翼F,告诉塔台要求降落,降落时速度的把握120kt  等。



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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-24 23:45:08 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 sywxyjj 于 2012-2-24 23:42 编辑

[WXY7]前文中的 Time-To-Go

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