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ed官方就DCS P51D表态 附加KA50一些新消息 已经本地翻译+附原网址

发表于 2012-2-17 21:37:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 lkyfly0219 于 2012-2-17 21:47 编辑

上边网址为ED官网论坛对于dcs P51D 问答帖,我对问题汉化了,方便天朝大众理解。附加一点个人评论,如果看着不适,请自动屏蔽。O(∩_∩)O哈!


Q: What are the system requirements?
A: At present it is too early to say. System requirements will be finalized when we get closer to release.

   问p51对于系统的要求  ED回答现在还说不好。   =没说

Q: Will DCS: P-51D Mustang be online-compatible with other DCS products?
A: Yes, owners of the Mustang will be able to fly online alongside owners of DCS Black Shark and DCS A-10C Warthog, assuming the mission selected for the server is made to accommodate this.

  问p51如何与其他产品联机 ED回答可以和其他dcs联机。    一点fc3的事情没说。

Q: What about future DCS jets?
A: We will continue to develop modern aircraft as well.

  问ED还开发战机嘛? 这个问到点上了  ED回答我们还会继续开发现代战机

Q: When will the P-51 be released?
A: During 2012.

  问P51什么时候发布   ED坑爹回答的告诉大家 2012年。

Q: Will a world war 2 era map be included?
A: No, DCS is an open simulation environment, it is not a simulation of a specific time period.

  问是否有WW2二次世界大战地图情节  ED回答木有,目的只为仿真,不考虑年代   想必开发者脑袋短路了,半路来个这货

Q: Will units from the world war 2 era exist, like ME-109's and Ju-87's?
A: That has yet to be determined. While we understand the desire for WW2 counterpart aircraft, DCS is not intended to be a full WW2 era simulation.

  问是否还有其他二战飞机dcs模拟?  答 大家热情理解,但是还没决定,ED表示不愿意做一个完整的二战飞机模拟。     估计ed觉得il2他超不过去,那为什么还做个p51.  费解

Q: What about feature X?
A: A more detailed feature list will be made available later, as the product gets closer to release.

  问 关于未来的X系列?  难道又创新了?  答 ED说得考虑后在对外发布  这里没做说明 不知ED还要做什么

Q: Why was the P-51 selected?
A: The P-51 began as a side project by some of the staff and showed good progress. Rather than put that effort to waste, we decided to flesh it out and release as a new aircraft for DCS.

问为什么做P51D  这个问题是关键了  ED回答说 51取决于另外一个项目,可能最后做不下去了,但是为了纪念这个项目,赚点银子,就当个DCS发布了。           原来ED还是为了银子。。。  背后难道隐藏了ED原来打算做ww2?

Q: How is the P-51 supposed to fit into DCS? This makes no sense to me.
A: DCS is an open simulation environment, not confined to any one era, level of fidelity, or 1st party development. In the future ED and 3rd parties may add all sorts of different units ranging from gliders to X-51s.

又问ED 有必要开发个51到dcs系列中吗?  这个网友看来跟咱们差不多,同样费解ed做法  ED回答说 dcs只是为了模拟,不限制时代,做个二战机型当酱油。   ╮(╯▽╰)╭  不解释了。

Q: How is a P-51 supposed to fight in a modern Georgian war against modern aircraft and air defense systems?
A: It simply does not need to. It is up to the mission designer to put what units he or she wishes into the mission.

这个问题好 P51会去打击现代防空系统吗 开p51打爱国者 s300 好想法  ED回答 工程师就这个问题也考虑过了,工程师认为51不适合干这活。       工程师。。  要知道牛人有的是,没准真会创造历史,P51超低空轰炸S300阵地。  

Q: How much will it cost?
A: Pricing has yet to be determined.

问 dcs 51d 打算坑大家多少银子  ED回答 还没想好,我们回去算算再告诉大家。

翻译+个人评论,喜欢原味的看英文。 个人观点,勿喷哦。

ED 就细节也回答了大家 51中也可以使用K-14A瞄准镜。本作中也将会有一些教学任务,会有几个挑战任务。 具体不详,难道开p51 降航母 O(∩_∩)O哈哈~  武器系统也模拟的非常好 火箭弹 炸弹 机枪 统统都有  至于更变态的机枪位置等等 ed说大家自己改lua文件去吧。 p51这一作最现代化的装备就是现代飞行员装备 木有别的现代玩意。

Q: Do you plan on modeling more advanced versions of the Ka-50, such as the night-capable Ka-50Sh and the dual-seat Ka-52??
A: Currently, we have no plans to model either the Ka-50Sh or the Ka-52. If either of these aircraft is adopted into service in the future and we are given an opportunity to model them accurately, this might change.


        看来天朝的穿越情节已经弥漫到周边国家了,ED这回也要穿越一架了。 终归是一代DCS模拟,大家也不仿等放出后玩玩,开p51跟su27拼拼机炮,带着炸弹执行反舰任务。 哈哈 玩法是很多的,我们一起期待吧。

发表于 2012-2-17 21:44:56 | 显示全部楼层
沙发 嘻嘻 !219翻译的很幽默!
发表于 2012-2-17 22:19:55 | 显示全部楼层
219人才  尤其对回答问题的注解  相当到位还富有幽默感  {:soso_e179:}
发表于 2012-2-18 09:53:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-2-18 10:04:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-2-18 10:33:24 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-2-18 12:48:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-2-18 18:37:41 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-19 09:21:50 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-4-30 20:32:28 | 显示全部楼层
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