本帖最后由 361006334 于 2010-6-23 14:33 编辑
****extra flyable Aircrafts Mod basic Version**** !!! Please make shure that you make a save copy from your FC2/scripts and FC2/config folder first !!! Delete beta MoD and make shure that all files are deleted. (Its important that all beta Mod folders in /config/Input/Aircrafts are deleted) This Mod includes: - Full 6DOF for alle new flyable and old flyable Planes. - 34 new flyable Planes with working weapons - New Plane BAE_Harrier - Refuleing in the Air with KC10 and IL76M to other players possible - All Planes use their own flight dynamic - Carrier Landing with the new flyable Planes are possible now (example F18 )
cooming soon: - new Planes and Models - some other stuff - Cobra manouver for Su and Mig possible Compatible Mods: - Ricardo HD Cockpits - A10 Simmod - F15 Mod (dont install the db_countries.lua from this mod) Not compatible Mods: - Full 6DOF Mod (is integrated)
Special thanks to Zorrin (Keyboardsettings creater) , Old Crow (6DOF creating for all Aircrafts), Robin_Hood, Cory and all the other testers =) and to all the people who are working for the next update to give the community more great features =)
If you found bugs post it to the Thread in the ED Forum please.