发表于 2012-7-12 16:06:41
本帖最后由 Ragnarok 于 2012-7-14 16:39 编辑
Angle of attack is the angle between the body's reference line and the oncoming flow.
飞机相对于地球的速度方向并不总与飞机相对于空气的速度方向相同。事实上二者相同是一种理想状况,也许不会发生。因此用飞机相对于地球的速度与reference line之间的夹角来定义AOA是错误的。
另外根据飞机设计以及对reference line的理解不同,reference line并不总是平行于飞机纵轴。In aerodynamics, angle of attack specifies the angle between the chord line of the wing of a fixed-wing aircraft and the vector representing the relative motion between the aircraft and the atmosphere. Since a wing can have twist, a chord line of the whole wing may not be definable, so an alternate reference
line is simply defined. Often, the chord line of the root of the wing is chosen as the reference line. Another alternative is to use a horizontal line on the fuselage as the reference line (and also as the longitudinal axis). Some authors do not use an arbitrary chord line but use the zero lift axis instead - zero angle of attack corresponds to zero coefficient of lift.